Welcome to Ray's Worlds

First Update, 10/17/2024

Today marks the day of the completion of this website! At least, in its most basic form. I will continue to update and redesign this space, so watch out! All I have left to do is create the first page for my lore storage, and we will be off to the races. Exciting day!

About the Author

Hi there! My name is Ray and I enjoy world building. I've been interested in fantasy, sci-fi, and tabletop gaming since I was young, and I've finally embarked on an adventure I've been planning since I was a teenager- writing my own story from the ground up! Aside from writing I enjoy crocheting, drawing, running my own tabletops as well as playing in them, swimming, hiking, and driving. Most of my days are spent thinking about the worlds I want to write about while I'm doing other things I enjoy. I hope you have a wonderful time on my website!